The Co-operative Banks Development Agency was established to regulate, promote and develop co-operative banking, including deposit-taking and lending co-operatives.

Their vision is to foster strong and vibrant co-operative banking sector that broadens access to and participation in diversified financial services towards economic and social well-being.
Why we were created
- To register, regulate and supervise co-operative banks
- To promote, register and regulate representative bodies
- To facilitate, promote and fund education and training to enhance the work of co-operative financial institutions
- To accredit and regulate support organisations
- To provide liquidity support to registered co-operative banks through loans or grants, and
- To provide liquidity support to registered co-operative banks through loans or grants, and
Who we work with
- Co-operative banks registered with the supervisors of co-operative banks
- Financial co-operatives seeking to increase their capacity and work towards becoming co-operative banks
- Support organisations, representative bodies and regulatory authorities operating within the sector
Our current focus
- Processing and registering applying financial co-operatives as co-operative banks
- Consultation with a broad range of stakeholders within the sector to understand the regulatory, developmental and support needs of financial co-operatives
- Piloting new support programmes and delivering existing capacity enhancing support programmes
Our programs
- Supervision and regulation of co-operative banks, representative bodies and support organisations
- Capacity building, information for and promotion of co-operative banking